Christian Science in Wilmington, DE

Welcome to
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wilmington, DE!

We’re glad you want to know more about our church!

Christian Science activity in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 1887, and church services began in 1896. Sunday services and Wednesday evening testimony meetings are held at Churches of Christ, Scientist around the world. Our “pastor” is the Holy Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

People in over 130 countries around the globe find that Christian Science has brought uplift and healing to their lives.

Our services continue throughout the year without interruption with a special service on Thanksgiving Day.

Locations and Service Times


103 Brandywine Blvd
Wilmington, DE 19803


Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:30 AM

Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM

Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AM

First Church of Christ, Scientist

Reading Room

900 Tatnall St
Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Reading Room Hours

Monday – Thursday
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Christian Science Reading Room

About Our Church

10:30 AM 

Our Sunday service lasts about an hour and includes a musical prelude, solo, offertory, and postlude, and silent and spoken prayer in addition to the Bible Lesson Sermon

The “sermon” at the Sunday service is the weekly Bible lesson read by two Readers, one for the Bible and one for Science and Health.

Topics for the lessons are repeated twice a year with fresh inspiration and new passages each time the topic is considered.

About Our Sunday School

10:30 AM 

Young people up to age 20 are welcome to attend our Sunday School each week at the same time as our Sunday worship service. Children are naturally interested in God and want to know more about their Father-Mother and His/Her presence in their lives.

First lessons include the Ten Commandments, Christ Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and the Lord’s Prayer.

Bible stories come alive as experienced teachers show how spiritual and moral values are important in what we do every day.

Teens are encouraged to discuss topics important to their daily lives and how an understanding of God can support, comfort, and guide them.

Wednesday Testimony Meeting

7:30 PM

During these meetings, a Reader shares selections from the Holy Bible and Science and Health on a topic of current local or world interest. Often the topic is chosen to address everyday concerns confronting people in their homes, at work, and in their community with the expectation of healing them.

At the conclusion of the readings, members of the congregation are invited to share testimonies of healing, inspiration, and remarks on God’s presence in their life and how practical this presence is.

A musical prelude, postlude, hymn singing, silent prayer and the Lord’s Prayer complete the hour-long service.

Reading Room

Each branch church has a free, public Reading Room for use by the community. It’s a religious bookstore and so much more.

The Holy Bible and the Christian Science textbook are available there. It’s a universal book whose ideas heal, teach, and help you solve problems. You can also find biographies of Mary Baker Eddy and reminiscences from those who knew and worked with her.

The Reading Room also has a quiet area where you may pray, read, and listen to inspirational music.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you and welcome you to the Christian Science community in Wilmington, DE.

Call us: 302-652-7553