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Christian Science Services on Zoom
in the Greater Philadelphia Area
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Doylestown, PA
Zoom Schedule
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:30 AM
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AM
Click here for Zoom information
Zoom facility
For those of you who are unable to join us in person, we are offering a Zoom link to our live meeting. The Zoom link will allow you to view and listen to the service. On Wednesdays, the Zoom link will also allow remote participants to give testimonies during the testimony period of the Wednesday meeting. The following Zoom link will be used for all our services:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 262 802 7136
Passcode: 6PhVKD
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,2628027136#,,,,*792029# US (New York)
+13017158592,,2628027136#,,,,*792029# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington
Meeting ID: 262 802 7136
Passcode: 792029
Conference calling facility
For those of you who prefer to use our conference calling facility, it will be active during the services. However, that call is listen only; it will not provide access for participants to provide testimonies at Wednesday Evening Meetings. Please note that the conference call number has changed. The new number is as follows:
(716) 427-1336
Access code = 959592#
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Jenkintown, PA
Zoom Schedule
Sunday Service
10:30 AM
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AM
Click here for Zoom information
Zoom Instructions:
Our Sunday and Wednesday services are available for anyone who is unable to join in-person.
The Zoom link below will allow you to view and listen to the in-person service. On Sunday, the words of the hymns, the Golden Text, and the Responsive Reading will be posted so you can participate fully in the service. On Wednesday, you will be able to share testimonies and inspiration during the testimony portion of the meeting.
After each hybrid service, the in-person congregation gathers briefly after the service to share fellowship with our Zoom congregation.
The following Zoom link will give you access to our Sunday Services, Wednesday Testimony Meetings, and the Thanksgiving Day Service. Please note that you can join with one click or you can dial in using the number and the information listed. For audio only, follow the instructions given when you call one of the numbers listed.
If you encounter difficulties joining Zoom or if you wish to be placed on the invitation list we send out each week as a reminder, please email us at or call and leave a message on our Church and Reading Room phone: 215-277-5889.
We look forward to welcoming you to our hybrid services!
Join Zoom Meeting (Sunday, Wednesday, and Thanksgiving)
Meeting ID: 873 6691 7858
Passcode: 1866
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,87366917858# US (New York)
+16469313860,,87366917858# US
First Church of Christ, Scientist, West Chester, PA
Zoom Schedule
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:30 AM
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
8:00 PM
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AM
Click here for Zoom Information
Join our Zoom Services on Sunday and Wednesday using Zoom -Audio from the comfort of your home!
We are now using Zoom audio. The telephone number is 1-312-626-6799, or you can join using your computer by clicking
You will need a Meeting ID number which is 243-825-6761#
(Hit the (#) pound sign after the numbers)
The operator will then ask for your participant’s ID. Hit the pound sign ie. #
Now the operator will ask for the Meeting Passcode. This time you will enter 12345#
Don’t forget the pound sign (#)
You will then be admitted to the meeting and told that you are muted.
At the testimony time you may give a testimony by hitting the STAR key on your phone and the number 6. You will then be heard by the others on the phone and any of us in the church auditorium.
When you are finished hit STAR 6 again to be muted.
Thank you for joining us.